Daylight Saving Time: 5 Things Every Homeowner Should Do

daylight saving time endsIt’s that time of year again. The weather’s getting cooler, and the days are getting shorter. And, on the first Sunday in November, it’ll be time to turn your clock back an hour as Daylight Saving Time ends.

Ah yes: Daylight Saving Time. When it begins in March, it’s the bane of everyone’s existence. But when it comes to a close in November, it’s always a welcome ritual. After all, turning back your clock an hour means an extra hour of sleep to start the work week. The end of Daylight Saving Time marks the holiday season soon to come. And there’s something about a sudden shift in daylight hours–with the evening darkness arriving an hour sooner than we’re used to–that seems to make fall just a bit more official. It’s an all-around winner.

For homeowners, Daylight Saving Time is an opportunity to perform important annual upkeep on your home. If you make a habit of taking care of these things the first Sunday of every November, you can rest assured that you’ll be prepared for the coming year. Read on to learn what you can do each year to transition your home smoothly into the fall, winter, and beyond.

Often the subject of great debate, Daylight Saving Time has been around in the US since 1918.  Here are more fun facts you may not know about DST.

Turn your clocks back an hour when Daylight Saving Time Ends

This is a pretty obvious one. Nowadays, though, with our cell phones, computer, and tablets changing their time automatically, it can be easy to forget that you need to turn back your home clocks yourself. So, remember: switch back the clocks on the stove, microwave, and wall by a full hour. You’ll thank yourself the following morning when you avoid any potential moments of “wait, what time is it?” panic.

Change the batteries in your smoke alarm

Change Smoke Detector Batteries when Daylight Savings Ends

Ever been sleeping peacefully through the night, only to be awoken by a bizarre, confusing, intermittent chirping sound? You roll out of bed, thoroughly disheveled, and wander the rooms of your home. Finally, you discover the source: a low battery in one of your smoke detectors. While the aforementioned scenario is reason enough to switch out your smoke detector batteries every year, there’s a more important reason: a smoke detector with adequate battery power can detect smoke from a fire, and save your life. One without power can’t. So, use the end of Daylight Saving Time as an annual reminder to change your smoke alarm batteries.

Check your furnace and water heater

Many furnaces need annual maintenance: use the end of DST as a reminder to schedule it. If nothing else, be sure to switch out the air filter (especially with winter just around the corner). While you’re in the utilities area of your home, check your hot water heater for any signs of leaking.

Clean your gutters

No one likes cleaning gutters. We get it. But what’s worse than cleaning gutters? Doing it in the dead of winter. With the potential of ice and snow in some parts of the county just around the corner, the end of Daylight Saving Time is a great time to get out the ladder and remove the leaves and other debris from your gutters.

Restock your Emergency Kit

Hurricane Preparation Checklist

An emergency kit is essential in every home, and the end of Daylight Saving is a great time to check its content and restock it. It’s likely your emergency kit has been depleted if you live in one of the areas affected by the 2017 hurricane season. If you’re not sure what to include in an emergency kit, take a look at our hurricane kit checklist which includes everything you’ll need and more. And, you’ll be one step ahead when next year’s season rolls around!

With these tasks out of the way, enjoy that extra hour of sleep! You’ve earned it.



