Pets in the household often bring a variety of physical, mental and emotional health benefits. In fact, pets reside in nearly 80 million homes according to[…]
Blog Archives
Tax Deductions for Homeowners
Owning a home makes good financial sense for most Americans. Not only does it provide you with a place to call your own, each mortgage[…]
New Year’s Resolutions for Homeowners
It’s that time of year when family and friends begin to think of ways they can improve their lives by committing to a few New[…]
Do You Really Need Homeowners Insurance?
Homeowners insurance is something that many consumers rely on to protect their assets in the event of a natural disaster, burglary, or fire. But, it’s[…]
Citizens Insurance is nearly under 500,000 Policies
According to an article in the Tampa Bay Times this week, Citizens Insurance is celebrating a $2 billion drop in revenue from premiums over the[…]